
BYLAWS XII-XVIII – These  Bylaws are additions to the  eleven included on the original Certificate of Incorporation form provided by the State of Maine, which was filed and approved on 9/30/2022 and were approved were adopted in support of NORTH SAR as a State of Maine and Federal  Non-profit and Tax-exempt organization . They were Adopted and Certified by the NORTH SAR Corporate Secretary on October 27, 2022

Article XII: Purposes
The purposes of this organization are to render aid to persons in distress, administer emergency care, and to perform missions incident to the rescue of persons who are in distress. The corporation may purchase, acquire by gift, or otherwise obtain rescue equipment and other property directly related to lifesaving missions; and to own and hold in fee or lease, sufficient and suitable real estate and buildings necessary for headquarters and for storage of equipment and supplies owned and/or used in the furtherance of rescue work. Additionally, the corporation may use same for educational purposes regarding related topics as well as to operate and maintain emergency vehicles for rescue work and to transport services with volunteer personnel. Volunteers will be adequately trained according to current MASAR standards and to include emergency care, search and rescue techniques, survival,  all of which services shall be provided and supported by member dues and donations as no charge or fee will be imposed for any service it renders. All equipment and money will be used for the public good by the corporation and not for the private benefit of any individual member.
No part of the net earnings of such activities shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual, and no part of the activities will include the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation and will not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements,) any political campaign or on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Article X1I1 Board of Directors
Section 1
The board of directors shall be five in number who are to serve for a one-year term beginning on November 1st. The board of directors shall include the officers of the corporation and two other team members.

Section 2
The board of directors will be elected by a majority of the membership. Nominations shall take place in September and such election shall take place in October. Any outgoing officer shall continue in office and work closely with his/her elected replacement until the end of the fiscal year to provide a smooth transition from one administration to the next.

A minimum of four members of the board shall be the quorum for board meetings.

Article XIV: Membership
Section 1
An applicant may submit a member application for approval by the VP of Operations. Upon approval they will together review appropriate introductory information and expectations. Membership begins after approval of the application and payment of any new member dues. Membership may be terminated by the President for due cause.

Article XV Amendments
Additions or changes to these bylaws require two general membership meetings. A motion for change can be made at a regularly convened meeting and then a vote can follow at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the general membership provided the proposed change has been published in the team minutes. A 2/3 vote of those present is required to pass or change bylaw amendments.

Article XVI: Legal Counsel
Legal Counsel may be obtained to represent the corporation in an advisory capacity either as a volunteer or paid but shall not be a member of the corporation if paid.

Article XVI: Committees
The board may form such ad hoc committees as it deems necessary to fulfill the best interest of the team.

Article XVIII: Dissolution
The corporation may be dissolved by a vote of 2/3 of the voting membership at a meeting for which same have received 30 days  notice by email to all members, and which is called expressly for that purpose. In the event this corporation should become inactive or dissolved, any funds, property, vehicles, or other equipment then remaining on hand after the payment of legal and proper expenses shall be turned over, in total, without restriction to another 501(c)(3)  organization.

Article XIX: Meetings
Meetings may be conducted either remotely or in person.

This page was updated 10/27/2022 by RW