Our Name

North SAR

North is a common term denoting both a direction and a region on the earth. The abbreviation “N” and the full word, in mixed (North) or upper case (NORTH) are generally synonymous.

SAR is a term only well known to Outdoor Enthusiasts. This term is synonymous in several forms:
Search and Rescue, Search & Rescue, S&R S.A.R and SAR, (in upper case).

“North SAR”
Is a short term, easy to say, with two syllables
Conjures up an adventure in the northern woods (of Maine)
Is easily confused with North Star
Can be abbreviated as “North” when we are referring to S&R activity in context
Is unique enough to not be confused with other MASAR units, and identifies our location

North SAR use as our identifier:

On a patch or decal “North SAR” fits easily, is descriptive and immediately identifies our organization’s purpose and location.

The use of periods (.), dashes (-) spaces ( ) , or required mixed case is unnecessary and would complicate both the Domain Name (NORTHSAR, North-SAR, North SAR, NorthSAR) making access to the worldwide web and other search engines and titles on our Web Development Platform is problematic.

Both the State of Maine and Federal registrations required that our application as a corporation, our Employee Identification (tax ID) number and Tax exemption numbers show our name in all caps, with a space for clarity. (i.e. North SAR)

Therefore our official name registered with the government is NORTH SAR
We can therefore call our team North SAR, or North and omit the use of periods (.), dashes (-) spaces ( ) , or mixed case and we should for simplicity and clarity.
We can use the terms northsar or Northsar or NorthSAR or North SAR and know what we mean

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